Professional Dog Walking Service

Dippy Dogs Professional Dog Walking Service

dog walking

We all know how important it is that exercise forms part of your dogs daily routine and how it helps to keep them fit, happy, healthy, content and young at heart. Most importantly it also helps relieve boredom, stress and can help reduce other unwanted behavior such as chewing and barking. So why not treat your dog(s) to a professional individual walk through nearby woods, on the beach (when permitted) or a Country Park with that personal touch.

My individual walks provide that personal touch giving your dog(s) undivided attention. This is ideal for anyone who would prefer their dog(s) are not walked as part of a pack. It is also well suited for nervous dogs and puppies as it allows them to build a bond with their walker whilst gaining their trust. My service provides more flexibility on the time of day you would like your dog(s) to be walked and can be for as little or as long as you would like.

Dog walks are usually an hour, however sometimes I may get a little carried away and extend the walk slightly longer, no matter what the weather, rain or shine, wind or snow I don’t mind. Your dog will be rubbed down with a towel in adverse weather conditions after the walk.

I also offer slow pace walks for the more senior dogs or dogs with hip, joint or mobility problems, again this is the benefit of having a one on one tailor made dog walk to suit your needs.

I can walk your dog regularly, occasionally or even just once, so you can come home to a relaxed and happy pooch. I take time and care when visiting your home to take your dog for a walk, and when returned I always make sure they have muddy paws wiped, fresh water and are settled before I leave.

Dog walking serviceAll walks are designed with your dog in mind, depending on size, breed, age and health. Group walks are also not suitable for unneutered dogs or bitches while in season, so again my individual service would be ideal for you. Puppies are also best walked individually whilst also giving them the chance to socialise, as this is vital for their development. I recommend only a half hour walk for a puppy as anything longer can be tiring and put strain on your puppies joints and development as he grows.


Please see puppy care below for more information on puppy walking/visits.








Professional one to one individual dog walking service.

Have your dog collected and given it’s own individual walk.

Ideal for dog owners who feel their pet may not feel comfortable walked in a pack.

Area’s covered include Torbay (Torquay and Paignton), Newton Abbot, Kingskerswell, Ipplepen and Abbotskerswell.



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